Announcing the updated $20,000 Matching Campaign through Dec. 31, 2019 to benefit all Ashreinu Programs!
December, 2019
Kislev, 5780
Dear Friends,
At this time of year, we are particularly aware of the power of even a small light to dispel darkness. Our Ashreinu programs, starting from the Montessori elementary upward through the Ashreinu middle and high school, focus on developing the whole child, with curricular opportunities tailored to help the child to grow academically, religiously, socially, and emotionally. Our children are respected for who they are, and are encouraged to discover and develop their unique lights.
Your donation can make a big difference.
To donate through the PayPal Giving Fund, use the link below:
To donate by check, please make payable to Ashreinu School for Girls (our legal name) and mail to Box 29, 9466 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. We are also able to accept stock and mutual fund donations. Please contact our Treasurer ( for more details on stock and mutual fund donations.
We are excited to update you on our current matching campaign. After meeting the original $10,000 match, our generous donors have raised the match to $20,000. As I write this, we have raised $12,572 toward the $20,000 match. Our generous donors will match your December gift from now through December 31, 2019, up to $20,000. All donations (stock, PayPal, check) will be included toward the $20,000 match.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
All the best,
Nancy Nelkin
Vice President, Ashreinu Board